Students 2014/2015

Guta ABESHU (Ethiopia)

Thesis: "Remote Sensing based evaluation of Hydrogeological Surplus in the Drought prone lowlands of Ethiopia"

Cristina DÍEZ (Spain) 

Thesis: "Integrated water resources management in the Zambezi River Basin"

Panagiotis DIMAS (Greece)

Thesis: "Implication of climate change on Swiss hydropower production by 2050: a preliminary assessment"
MAS Experience: “Through the courses of the MAS I have learned a lot of scientific processes, as well as many tools useful in the everyday engineering practice. I also had the opportunity to share this experience with the other MAS students and build a strong friendship.”

Giancarlo MOCCETTI (Peru)

Thesis: "Optimizing water use for agriculture and hydropower in Peru"
MAS Experience: "Studying in one of the top universities in the world, has taught me there are no limits. Quite apart from the technical level that is very high, I have learned to persevere and fight for my dreams. We return to our countries with new ways of approaching problems and used to look always for excellence in everything we do".


Research topic: Hazard mapping of debris flow events

Rodolfo PÉREZ (Peru)

Thesis: "Water Balance and Demand Study: Tambo River Basin - Moquegua, Peru"

Fasil WORKU (Ethiopia)

Thesis: "Remote sensing based eco-hydrologic coupling analyses using downward approach, Omo-Ghibe basin, Ethiopia"
MAS Experience: “Learning about a precious resource as water at one of world-class university, ETH Zurich, in the beautiful city of Zurich is a triumphant opportunity!”


Thesis: "Forecasting extreme flood events in central Switzerland implementing different methods for the production of QP"

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