Students 2023/2024

Enlarged view: MAS class of 2023
Excursion to the NEST, Dübendorf
Enlarged view: Robel

Robel Fikadu ALEMAYEHU (Ethiopia)

Research topicAssessment of groundwater vulnerability to over-exploitation: the case of the May-Muk aquifer, Southern Tigray, Ethiopia

Enlarged view: Bayisa

Bayisa Tulu AREDA (Ethiopia)

Research topicFlood risk mapping and assessment using integrated ANN and HEC-RAS: application to the Upper Awash River Basin, Ethiopia

Enlarged view: Ahmadullah

Ahmadullah HAKIMI  (Afghanistan)

Research topicCanals shaping the future of Amu Darya water management and governance

Enlarged view: Bob

Laryee Alieu SANNOR (Liberia)

Research topicAssessment of groundwater for drinking water purposes in coastal areas: case study in Monrovia, Liberia

Enlarged view: Benjamin

Benjamin Ewuley YANKEY (Ghana)

Research topicImpact of climate change on small hydropower potential in the Densu River Basin, Ghana

Enlarged view: Wondafrash

Wondafrash Atnafu ZEWDE (Ethiopia)

Research topicValuation of irrigation water demand under changing climate: the case of Abaya Chamo Basin, Ghana

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